Special events in London

27th WONCA Europe Conference, Special events in London,Visit London

27th WONCA Europe Conference

27th WONCA Europe Conference

27th WONCA Europe conference at ExCeL London

This year’s 27th WONCA Europe conference will be special. In conjunction with the Royal College of GPs’ Annual Conference 2022 you can be sure it will be talked about for months to come.
Opening dates and times
Tuesday 28th June: 6.00pm-9.00pm
Wednesday 29th June: 8.30am-5.30pm
Thursday 30th June: 8.30am-5.30pm
Friday 1st July: 8.30am-1.30pm

ExCeL - Entrance
East entrance
Prince Regent DLR
Contact event organiser
+420 284 001 444

27th WONCA Europe conference will be the first fully hybrid WONCA Europe conference so you can visit in person. It will be the first conference as we move into the next stage of the coronavirus pandemic, and what better way to celebrate it than in London, a city that is lively, attractive, and full of culture and excitement.
Registration Fees In-person Single day*
Standard Delegate - non-member £785 £377
WONCA Direct member £674 £337
RCGP member £674 £337
RCGP AiT member £399 £199
RCGP First5 member £399 £199
RCGP retired member £399 £199
Junior Doctor and Trainee* £399 £199
Foundation Year Doctor £220 £90
Allied health professional** £399 £199
Undergraduate student £220 £90
Vasco da Gama pre-conference*** £60 N/A
Conference dinner - more information soon+ £100 -
Farewell party - more information soon+ £45 -
IMPORTANT NOTICE: All authors those presenting either orally or with posters must register for entire conference and present in person. Day passes and online presentations are not possible.
*Residents and First5s from WONCA NMOs are also eligible for this fee.
**Nurse practitioners, practice staff, clinical pharmacists and healthcare assistants
***The fee includes access to the programme session and refreshments during coffee breaks.
Lunch is not provided. Registration for the pre-conference is conditional on registration for the main conference.
+Conference dinner and Farewell party are not included in the registration fee for the conference.
Fees are quoted in GBP. These prices are final. Prices are inclusive of VAT.

Note: Payments must be received by the corresponding deadlines (earlybird or standard), otherwise the subsequent rate will be automatically applied.

Entrance to scientific sessions and exhibition
Conference materials
Coffee breaks
Welcome reception
CME credit certificate
Access to the on-line platform, video recordings from whole event available 1 month after the event

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